
Minority Languages

United Kingdom has many minority languages such as Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Celtic and Cornish. Most of languages speakers are little none.


This language is spoken in west of England. About 500,000 people use Welsh. This is about 20.5 percent of all Welsh. In the past, English is a public language. So Welsh is prohibited in school or town. But in 20th century, Welsh was recovering. Now, Welsh is a public language with English. Road signs or archives are written in both languages.

In 20th century, people who speak Welsh are decreasing but Wales population is increase reentry. So, people who speak Welsh are increasing now. The main reason that Wales education is practiced at elementary school or junior high school and broadcast on TV or radio.

*In 1992, the Department of Wales recorded that how many Welsh can they speak Welsh? The results are here.

3-15 people→32.4%, 16-29→17.8%, 30-44→16.7%, 45-64→18.7% and over 55→24.2%.

*In addition, this department ask that are you a good Welsh speaker ? Answer is here.

I speak Welsh mainly→12.0%, I can speak Welsh well→13.4%, I don't know Welsh enough→66.1% .
This result announce that Welsh speakers are decreasing now.


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